Below you can find how to solve “Index is out of date” problem.
handyCafe uses Paradox database (db). If you are facing with this problem, we have included a db repair utility. Below you can find how to fix corrupted tables:
1. Be sure handyCafe Server is not running
2. Copy Db folder into another directory just in case (Do not move. Just copy)
3. From Programs click “handyCafe->Utils->Database Fix” Shortcut (or go to handyCafe Server\Utils folder and run dtutil32.exe)
4. Select DBHandyCafe under Alias Name field
5. If Customers.db is corrupted select Customers.db under Table Name field
6. Click Verify button
7. Click Rebuild button
8. After Rebuild, click Exit to close application
Now you can run handyCafe Server. This should fix the “index is out of date” problem.